package banktest import ( "std" "time" ) type activity struct { caller std.Address sent std.Coins returned std.Coins time time.Time } func (act *activity) String() string { return act.caller.String() + " " + act.sent.String() + " sent, " + act.returned.String() + " returned, at " + act.time.Format("2006-01-02 3:04pm MST") } var latest [10]*activity // Deposit will take the coins (to the realm's pkgaddr) or return them to user. func Deposit(returnDenom string, returnAmount int64) string { std.AssertOriginCall() caller := std.GetOrigCaller() send := std.Coins{{returnDenom, returnAmount}} // record activity act := &activity{ caller: caller, sent: std.GetOrigSend(), returned: send, time: time.Now(), } for i := len(latest) - 2; i >= 0; i-- { latest[i+1] = latest[i] // shift by +1. } latest[0] = act // return if any. if returnAmount > 0 { banker := std.GetBanker(std.BankerTypeOrigSend) pkgaddr := std.GetOrigPkgAddr() // TODO: use std.Coins constructors, this isn't generally safe. banker.SendCoins(pkgaddr, caller, send) return "returned!" } else { return "thank you!" } } func Render(path string) string { // get realm coins. banker := std.GetBanker(std.BankerTypeReadonly) coins := banker.GetCoins(std.GetOrigPkgAddr()) // render res := "" res += "## recent activity\n" res += "\n" for _, act := range latest { if act == nil { break } res += " * " + act.String() + "\n" } res += "\n" res += "## total deposits\n" res += coins.String() return res }