package boards import ( "std" "strconv" "time" "" ) //---------------------------------------- // Post // NOTE: a PostID is relative to the board. type PostID uint64 func (pid PostID) String() string { return strconv.Itoa(int(pid)) } // A Post is a "thread" or a "reply" depending on context. // A thread is a Post of a Board that holds other replies. type Post struct { board *Board id PostID creator std.Address title string // optional body string replies *avl.MutTree // -> *Post repliesAll *avl.MutTree // -> *Post (all replies, for top-level posts) reposts *avl.MutTree // -> threadID PostID // original parentID PostID // parent (if reply or repost) repostBoard BoardID // original (if repost) createdAt time.Time updatedAt time.Time } func newPost(board *Board, id PostID, creator std.Address, title, body string, threadID, parentID PostID, repostBoard BoardID) *Post { return &Post{ board: board, id: id, creator: creator, title: title, body: body, replies: avl.NewMutTree(), repliesAll: avl.NewMutTree(), reposts: avl.NewMutTree(), threadID: threadID, parentID: parentID, repostBoard: repostBoard, createdAt: time.Now(), } } func (post *Post) IsThread() bool { return post.parentID == 0 } func (post *Post) GetPostID() PostID { return } func (post *Post) AddReply(creator std.Address, body string) *Post { board := post.board pid := board.incGetPostID() pidkey := postIDKey(pid) reply := newPost(board, pid, creator, "", body, post.threadID,, 0) post.replies.Set(pidkey, reply) if post.threadID == { post.repliesAll.Set(pidkey, reply) } else { thread := board.GetThread(post.threadID) thread.repliesAll.Set(pidkey, reply) } return reply } func (post *Post) Update(title string, body string) { post.title = title post.body = body post.updatedAt = time.Now() } func (thread *Post) GetReply(pid PostID) *Post { pidkey := postIDKey(pid) replyI, ok := thread.repliesAll.Get(pidkey) if !ok { return nil } else { return replyI.(*Post) } } func (post *Post) AddRepostTo(creator std.Address, title, body string, dst *Board) *Post { if !post.IsThread() { panic("cannot repost non-thread post") } pid := dst.incGetPostID() pidkey := postIDKey(pid) repost := newPost(dst, pid, creator, title, body, pid,, dst.threads.Set(pidkey, repost) if !dst.IsPrivate() { bidkey := boardIDKey( post.reposts.Set(bidkey, pid) } return repost } func (thread *Post) DeletePost(pid PostID) { if == pid { panic("should not happen") } pidkey := postIDKey(pid) postI, removed := thread.repliesAll.Remove(pidkey) if !removed { panic("post not found in thread") } post := postI.(*Post) if post.parentID != { parent := thread.GetReply(post.parentID) parent.replies.Remove(pidkey) } else { thread.replies.Remove(pidkey) } } func (post *Post) HasPermission(addr std.Address, perm Permission) bool { if post.creator == addr { switch perm { case EditPermission: return true case DeletePermission: return true default: return false } } // post notes inherit permissions of the board. return post.board.HasPermission(addr, perm) } func (post *Post) GetSummary() string { return summaryOf(post.body, 80) } func (post *Post) GetURL() string { if post.IsThread() { return post.board.GetURLFromThreadAndReplyID(, 0) } else { return post.board.GetURLFromThreadAndReplyID( post.threadID, } } func (post *Post) GetReplyFormURL() string { return "/r/demo/boards?help&__func=CreateReply" + "&bid=" + + "&threadid=" + post.threadID.String() + "&postid=" + + "&body.type=textarea" } func (post *Post) GetDeleteFormURL() string { return "/r/demo/boards?help&__func=DeletePost" + "&bid=" + + "&threadid=" + post.threadID.String() + "&postid=" + } func (post *Post) RenderSummary() string { str := "" if post.title != "" { str += "## [" + summaryOf(post.title, 80) + "](" + post.GetURL() + ")\n" str += "\n" } str += post.GetSummary() + "\n" str += "\\- " + displayAddressMD(post.creator) + "," str += " [" + post.createdAt.Format("2006-01-02 3:04pm MST") + "](" + post.GetURL() + ")" str += " \\[[x](" + post.GetDeleteFormURL() + ")]" str += " (" + strconv.Itoa(post.replies.Size()) + " replies)" + "\n" return str } func (post *Post) RenderPost(indent string, levels int) string { if post == nil { return "nil post" } str := "" if post.title != "" { str += indent + "# " + post.title + "\n" str += indent + "\n" } str += indentBody(indent, post.body) + "\n" // TODO: indent body lines. str += indent + "\\- " + displayAddressMD(post.creator) + ", " str += "[" + post.createdAt.Format("2006-01-02 3:04pm (MST)") + "](" + post.GetURL() + ")" str += " \\[[reply](" + post.GetReplyFormURL() + ")]" str += " \\[[x](" + post.GetDeleteFormURL() + ")]\n" if levels > 0 { if post.replies.Size() > 0 { post.replies.Iterate("", "", func(n *avl.Tree) bool { str += indent + "\n" str += n.Value().(*Post).RenderPost(indent+"> ", levels-1) return false }) } } else { if post.replies.Size() > 0 { str += indent + "\n" str += indent + "_[see all " + strconv.Itoa(post.replies.Size()) + " replies](" + post.GetURL() + ")_\n" } } return str } // render reply and link to context thread func (post *Post) RenderInner() string { if post.IsThread() { panic("unexpected thread") } threadID := post.threadID // replyID := parentID := post.parentID str := "" str += "_[see thread](" + post.board.GetURLFromThreadAndReplyID( threadID, 0) + ")_\n\n" thread := post.board.GetThread(post.threadID) var parent *Post if == parentID { parent = thread } else { parent = thread.GetReply(parentID) } str += parent.RenderPost("", 0) str += "\n" str += post.RenderPost("> ", 5) return str }