package users import ( "regexp" "std" "strconv" "strings" "" ) //---------------------------------------- // Types type User struct { address std.Address name string profile string number int invites int inviter std.Address } func (u *User) Render() string { str := "## user " + + "\n" + "\n" + " * address = " + string(u.address) + "\n" + " * " + strconv.Itoa(u.invites) + " invites\n" if u.inviter != "" { str = str + " * invited by " + string(u.inviter) + "\n" } str = str + "\n" + u.profile + "\n" return str } func (u User) Name() string { return } func (u User) Profile() string { return u.profile } func (u User) Address() std.Address { return u.address } //---------------------------------------- // State var ( admin std.Address = "g1us8428u2a5satrlxzagqqa5m6vmuze025anjlj" name2User *avl.Tree // Name -> *User addr2User *avl.Tree // std.Address -> *User invites *avl.Tree // string(inviter+":"+invited) -> true counter int // user id counter minFee int64 = 200 * 1000000 // minimum gnot must be paid to register. maxFeeMult int64 = 10 // maximum multiples of minFee accepted. ) //---------------------------------------- // Top-level functions func Register(inviter std.Address, name string, profile string) { // assert CallTx call. std.AssertOriginCall() // assert invited or paid. caller := std.GetCallerAt(2) if caller != std.GetOrigCaller() { panic("should not happen") // because std.AssertOrigCall(). } sentCoins := std.GetOrigSend() minCoin := std.Coin{"ugnot", minFee} if inviter == "" { // banker := std.GetBanker(std.BankerTypeOrigSend) if len(sentCoins) == 1 && sentCoins[0].IsGTE(minCoin) { if sentCoins[0].Amount > minFee*maxFeeMult { panic("payment must not be greater than " + strconv.Itoa(int(minFee*maxFeeMult))) } else { // ok } } else { panic("payment must not be less than " + strconv.Itoa(int(minFee))) } } else { invitekey := inviter.String() + ":" + caller.String() _, _, ok := invites.Get(invitekey) if !ok { panic("invalid invitation") } invites.Remove(invitekey) } // assert not already registered. _, _, ok := name2User.Get(name) if ok { panic("name already registered") } _, _, ok = addr2User.Get(caller.String()) if ok { panic("address already registered") } // assert name is valid. if !reName.MatchString(name) { panic("invalid name: " + name + " (must be at least 6 characters, lowercase alphanumeric with underscore)") } // remainder of fees go toward invites. invites := int(0) if len(sentCoins) == 1 { if sentCoins[0].Denom == "ugnot" && sentCoins[0].Amount >= minFee { invites = int(sentCoins[0].Amount / minFee) if inviter == "" && invites > 0 { invites -= 1 } } } // register. counter++ user := &User{ address: caller, name: name, profile: profile, number: counter, invites: invites, inviter: inviter, } name2User, _ = name2User.Set(name, user) addr2User, _ = addr2User.Set(caller.String(), user) } func Invite(invitee string) { // assert CallTx call. std.AssertOriginCall() // get caller/inviter. caller := std.GetCallerAt(2) if caller != std.GetOrigCaller() { panic("should not happen") // because std.AssertOrigCall(). } lines := strings.Split(invitee, "\n") if caller == admin { // nothing to do, all good } else { // ensure has invites. _, userI, ok := addr2User.Get(caller.String()) if !ok { panic("user unknown") } user := userI.(*User) if user.invites <= 0 { panic("user has no invite tokens") } user.invites -= len(lines) if user.invites < 0 { panic("user has insufficient invite tokens") } } // for each line... for _, line := range lines { if line == "" { continue // file bodies have a trailing newline. } else if strings.HasPrefix(line, `//`) { continue // comment } // record invite. invitekey := string(caller) + ":" + string(line) invites, _ = invites.Set(invitekey, true) } } func GrantInvites(invites string) { // assert CallTx call. std.AssertOriginCall() // assert admin. caller := std.GetCallerAt(2) if caller != std.GetOrigCaller() { panic("should not happen") // because std.AssertOrigCall(). } if caller != admin { panic("unauthorized") } // for each line... lines := strings.Split(invites, "\n") for _, line := range lines { if line == "" { continue // file bodies have a trailing newline. } else if strings.HasPrefix(line, `//`) { continue // comment } // parse name and invites. var name string var invites int parts := strings.Split(line, ":") if len(parts) == 1 { // short for :1. name = parts[0] invites = 1 } else if len(parts) == 2 { name = parts[0] invites_, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1]) if err != nil { panic(err) } invites = int(invites_) } else { panic("should not happen") } // give invites. _, userI, ok := name2User.Get(name) if !ok { // maybe address. _, userI, ok = addr2User.Get(name) if !ok { panic("invalid user " + name) } } user := userI.(*User) user.invites += invites } } // Any leftover fees go toward invitations. func SetMinFee(newMinFee int64) { // assert CallTx call. std.AssertOriginCall() // assert admin caller. caller := std.GetCallerAt(2) if caller != admin { panic("unauthorized") } // update global variables. minFee = newMinFee } // This helps prevent fat finger accidents. func SetMaxFeeMultiple(newMaxFeeMult int64) { // assert CallTx call. std.AssertOriginCall() // assert admin caller. caller := std.GetCallerAt(2) if caller != admin { panic("unauthorized") } // update global variables. maxFeeMult = newMaxFeeMult } //---------------------------------------- // Exposed public functions func GetUserByName(name string) *User { _, userI, ok := name2User.Get(name) if !ok { return nil } return userI.(*User) } func GetUserByAddress(addr std.Address) *User { _, userI, ok := addr2User.Get(addr.String()) if !ok { return nil } return userI.(*User) } // unlike GetUserByName, input must be "@" prefixed for names. func GetUserByAddressOrName(input AddressOrName) *User { name, isName := input.GetName() if isName { return GetUserByName(name) } return GetUserByAddress(std.Address(input)) } //---------------------------------------- // Constants // NOTE: name length must be clearly distinguishable from a bech32 address. var reName = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z]+[_a-z0-9]{5,16}$`) //---------------------------------------- // Render main page func Render(path string) string { if path == "" { return renderHome() } else if len(path) >= 38 { // 39? 40? if path[:2] != "g1" { return "invalid address " + path } user := GetUserByAddress(std.Address(path)) if user == nil { // TODO: display basic information about account. return "unknown address " + path } return user.Render() } else { user := GetUserByName(path) if user == nil { return "unknown username " + path } return user.Render() } } func renderHome() string { doc := "" name2User.Iterate("", "", func(t *avl.Tree) bool { user := t.Value().(*User) doc += " * [" + + "](/r/demo/users:" + + ")\n" return false }) return doc }