
Hello World

This is a demo of Gno smart contract programming. This document was constructed by Gno onto a smart contract hosted on the data Realm name "" (github).

Starting the gnoland node node/validator.

NOTE: Where you see --remote here, that flag can be replaced with --remote localhost:26657 for local testnets.

build gnoland.

git clone cd ./gno make

add test account.

./build/gnokey add test1 --recover

Use this mnemonic:

source bonus chronic canvas draft south burst lottery vacant surface solve popular case indicate oppose farm nothing bullet exhibit title speed wink action roast

start gnoland validator node.


(This can be reset with make reset).

start gnoland web server (optional).

go run ./gnoland/website

Signing and broadcasting transactions.

publish the "" package.

./build/gnokey maketx addpkg test1 --pkgpath "" --pkgdir "examples/" --deposit 100ugnot --gas-fee 1ugnot --gas-wanted 2000000 > addpkg.avl.unsigned.txt ./build/gnokey query "auth/accounts/g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5" ./build/gnokey sign test1 --txpath addpkg.avl.unsigned.txt --chainid "test3" --number 0 --sequence 0 > addpkg.avl.signed.txt ./build/gnokey broadcast addpkg.avl.signed.txt --remote

publish the "" realm package.

./build/gnokey maketx addpkg test1 --pkgpath "" --pkgdir "examples/" --deposit 100ugnot --gas-fee 1ugnot --gas-wanted 300000000 > addpkg.boards.unsigned.txt ./build/gnokey sign test1 --txpath addpkg.boards.unsigned.txt --chainid "test3" --number 0 --sequence 1 > addpkg.boards.signed.txt ./build/gnokey broadcast addpkg.boards.signed.txt --remote

create a board with a smart contract call.

./build/gnokey maketx call test1 --pkgpath "" --func CreateBoard --args "testboard" --gas-fee 1ugnot --gas-wanted 2000000 > createboard.unsigned.txt ./build/gnokey sign test1 --txpath createboard.unsigned.txt --chainid "test3" --number 0 --sequence 2 > createboard.signed.txt ./build/gnokey broadcast createboard.signed.txt --remote

Next, query for the permanent board ID by querying (you need this to create a new post):

./build/gnokey query "vm/qeval" --data " GetBoardIDFromName(\"testboard\")"

create a post of a board with a smart contract call.

./build/gnokey maketx call test1 --pkgpath "" --func CreatePost --args 1 --args "Hello World" --args#file "./examples/" --gas-fee 1ugnot --gas-wanted 2000000 > createpost.unsigned.txt ./build/gnokey sign test1 --txpath createpost.unsigned.txt --chainid "test3" --number 0 --sequence 3 > createpost.signed.txt ./build/gnokey broadcast createpost.signed.txt --remote

create a comment to a post.

./build/gnokey maketx call test1 --pkgpath "" --func CreateReply --args 1 --args 1 --args "A comment" --gas-fee 1ugnot --gas-wanted 2000000 > createcomment.unsigned.txt ./build/gnokey sign test1 --txpath createcomment.unsigned.txt --chainid "test3" --number 0 --sequence 4 > createcomment.signed.txt ./build/gnokey broadcast createcomment.signed.txt --remote
./build/gnokey query "vm/qrender" --data " testboard/1"

render page with optional path expression.

The contents of and are rendered by calling the Render(path string) function like so:

./build/gnokey query "vm/qrender" --data " testboard"

- @administrator, 2023-08-18 11:44am (UTC) [reply] [x]