
Getting Started

This is a demo of Gno smart contract programming. This document was constructed by Gno onto a smart contract hosted on the data Realm name "" (github).

Build gnokey, create your account, and interact with Gno.

NOTE: Where you see --remote here, that flag can be replaced with --remote localhost:26657 for local testnets.

Build gnokey.

git clone cd ./gno make

Generate a seed/mnemonic code.

./build/gnokey generate

NOTE: You can generate 24 words with any good bip39 generator.

Create a new account using your mnemonic.

./build/gnokey add KEYNAME --recover

NOTE: KEYNAME is your key identifier, and should be changed.

Verify that you can see your account locally.

./build/gnokey list

Interact with the blockchain:

Get your current balance, account number, and sequence number.

./build/gnokey query auth/accounts/ACCOUNT_ADDR --remote

NOTE: you can retrieve your ACCOUNT_ADDR with ./build/gnokey list.

Acquire testnet tokens using the official faucet.

Go to

Create a board with a smart contract call.

NOTE: BOARDNAME will be the slug of the board, and should be changed.

./build/gnokey maketx call KEYNAME --pkgpath "" --func "CreateBoard" --args "BOARDNAME" --gas-fee "1000000ugnot" --gas-wanted "2000000" --broadcast true --chainid test3 --remote

Interactive documentation:

Next, query for the permanent board ID by querying (you need this to create a new post):

./build/gnokey query "vm/qeval" --data " GetBoardIDFromName(\"BOARDNAME\")" --remote

Create a post of a board with a smart contract call.

NOTE: If a board was created successfully, your SEQUENCE_NUMBER would have increased.

./build/gnokey maketx call KEYNAME --pkgpath "" --func "CreateThread" --args BOARD_ID --args "Hello" --args\#file "./examples/" --gas-fee 1000000ugnot --gas-wanted 2000000 --broadcast true --chainid test3 --remote

Interactive documentation:

Create a comment to a post.

./build/gnokey maketx call KEYNAME --pkgpath "" --func "CreateReply" --args "BOARD_ID" --args "1" --args "1" --args "Nice to meet you too." --gas-fee 1000000ugnot --gas-wanted 2000000 --broadcast true --chainid test3 --remote

Interactive documentation:

./build/gnokey query "vm/qrender" --data " BOARDNAME/1" --remote

Render page with optional path expression.

The contents of and are rendered by calling the Render(path string) function like so:

./build/gnokey query "vm/qrender" --data " gnolang"

Starting a local gnoland node:

Add test account.

./build/gnokey add test1 --recover

Use this mneonic:

source bonus chronic canvas draft south burst lottery vacant surface solve popular case indicate oppose farm nothing bullet exhibit title speed wink action roast

Start gnoland node.


NOTE: This can be reset with make reset

Publish the "" package.

./build/gnokey maketx addpkg test1 --pkgpath "" --pkgdir "examples/" --deposit 100000000ugnot --gas-fee 1000000ugnot --gas-wanted 2000000 --broadcast true --chainid test3 --remote localhost:26657

Publish the "" realm package.

./build/gnokey maketx addpkg test1 --pkgpath "" --pkgdir "examples/" --deposit 100000000ugnot --gas-fee 1000000ugnot --gas-wanted 300000000 --broadcast true --chainid test3 --remote localhost:26657

- @manfred, 2023-08-18 11:44am (UTC) [reply] [x]